Sap Erp Simulation Game Strategy
SAP Digital Business Services Your partner to transform your business. Globalorganization. SAP support experts. The annual user group meetings in Germany, the U. S. and the UKIreland showed that many midsize and smaller companies still have difficulties to see the. Retrenchment strategy alternatives include shrinking selectively, extracting cash for investment in other businesses, and divestment. While these strategies result in. One of the areas that I have gotten a lot of questions on, heard a lot of excitement on, and seen a good amount of confusion on is around Employee Central Payroll. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Sap For Dummies is an introduction to general GRC concepts, GRC suite components and a deep dive into GRC solution. Artificial Intelligence Is Very Tangible. In the tech world in 2. As we noted in last years More Than Noise list, things are changingand the changes are occurring in ways that dont necessarily fit into the prevailing narrative. While many of 2. 01. The following signals differ considerably, but understanding them can help guide businesses in the right direction for 2. When a team of psychologists, linguists, and software engineers created Woebot, an AI chatbot that helps people learn cognitive behavioral therapy techniques for managing mental health issues like anxiety and depression, they did something unusual, at least when it comes to chatbots they submitted it for peer review. Stanford University researchers recruited a sample group of 7. Woebot. The researchers found that their creation was useful for improving anxiety and depression symptoms. A study of the user interaction with the bot was submitted for peer review and published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Mental Health in June 2. While Woebot may not revolutionize the field of psychology, it could change the way we view AI development. Well known figures such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates have expressed concerns that artificial intelligence is essentially ungovernable. Peer review, such as with the Stanford study, is one way to approach this challenge and figure out how to properly evaluate and find a place for these software programs. The healthcare community could be onto something. Weve already seen instances where AI chatbots have spun out of control, such as when internet trolls trained Microsofts Tay to become a hate spewing misanthrope. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Reimagine Business Processes A step change in productivity and customer experience with new digital. Enterprise-Resource-Plannin.jpg' alt='Sap Erp Simulation Game Strategy' title='Sap Erp Simulation Game Strategy' />Bots are only as good as their design making sure they stay on message and dont act in unexpected ways is crucial. This is especially true in healthcare. When chatbots are offering therapeutic services, they must be properly designed, vetted, and tested to maintain patient safety. It may be prudent to apply the same level of caution to a business setting. Arc Centre County Madison Program. By treating chatbots as if theyre akin to medicine or drugs, we have a model for thorough vetting that, while not perfect, is generally effective and time tested. It may seem like overkill to think of chatbots that manage pizza orders or help resolve parking tickets as potential health threats. But its already clear that AI can have unintended side effects that could extend far beyond Tays loathsome behavior. For example, in July, Facebook shut down an experiment where it challenged two AIs to negotiate with each other over a trade. When the experiment began, the two chatbots quickly went rogue, developing linguistic shortcuts to reduce negotiating time and leaving their creators unable to understand what they were saying. The implications are chilling. Do we want AIs interacting in a secret language because designers didnt fully understand what they were designing In this context, the healthcare communitys conservative approach doesnt seem so farfetched. Woebot could ultimately become an example of the kind of oversight thats needed for all AIs. WWN5WvXDVo/0.jpg' alt='Sap Erp Simulation Game Strategy' title='Sap Erp Simulation Game Strategy' />Gamification is the application of gamedesign elements and game principles in nongame contexts. Gamification commonly employs game design elements which are used in. Background Leading SAP authority Glynn C Williams, author of Implementing SAP R3 Sales and Distribution and Implementing SAP ERP Sales and Distribution. Meanwhile, its clear that chatbots have great potential in healthcarenot just for treating mental health issues but for helping patients understand symptoms, build treatment regimens, and more. They could also help unclog barriers to healthcare, which is plagued worldwide by high prices, long wait times, and other challenges. While they are not a substitute for actual humans, chatbots can be used by anyone with a computer or smartphone, 2. Finding the right governance for AI development wont happen overnight. But peer review, extensive internal quality analysis, and other processes will go a long way to ensuring bots function as expected. Otherwise, companies and their customers could pay a big price. Elon Musk is an expert at dominating the news cycle with his sci fi premonitions about space travel and high speed hyperloops. However, he captured media attention in Australia in April 2. In 2. 01. 6, a massive blackout hit the state of South Australia following a storm. Although power was restored quickly in Adelaide, the capital, people in the wide stretches of arid desert that surround it spent days waiting for the power to return. That hit South Australias wine and livestock industries especially hard. South Australias electrical grid currently gets more than half of its energy from wind and solar, with coal and gas plants acting as backups for when the sun hides or the wind doesnt blow, according to ABC News Australia. But this network is vulnerable to sudden loss of generationwhich is exactly what happened in the storm that caused the 2. Getting the system back on stable footing has been an issue ever since. Displaying his usual talent for showmanship, Musk stepped in and promised to build the worlds largest battery to store backup energy for the networkand he pledged to complete it within 1. Pen met paper with South Australia and French utility Neoen in September. As of press time in November, construction was underway. For South Australia, the Tesla deal offers an easy and secure way to store renewable energy. Teslas 1. 29 MWh battery will be the most powerful battery system in the world by 6. Gizmodo. The battery, which is stationed at a wind farm, will cover temporary drops in wind power and kick in to help conventional gas and coal plants balance generation with demand across the network. South Australian citizens and politicians largely support the project, which Tesla claims will be able to power 3. Until Musk made his bold promise, batteries did not figure much in renewable energy networks, mostly because they just arent that good. They have limited charges, are difficult to build, and are difficult to manage. Utilities also worry about relying on the same lithium ion battery technology as cellphone makers like Samsung, whose Galaxy Note 7 had to be recalled in 2. CNET. However, when made right, the batteries are safe. Its just that theyve traditionally been too expensive for large scale uses such as renewable power storage. But battery innovations such as Teslas could radically change how we power the economy. According to a study that appeared this year in Nature, the continued drop in the cost of battery storage has made renewable energy price competitive with traditional fossil fuels. This is a massive shift. Or, as David Roberts of news site Vox puts it, Batteries are soon going to disrupt power markets at all scales. Furthermore, if the cost of batteries continues to drop, supply chains could experience radical energy cost savings. This could disrupt energy utilities, manufacturing, transportation, and construction, to name just a few, and create many opportunities while changing established business models. For more on how renewable energy will affect business, read the feature Tick Tock in this issue. Battery research and development has become big business. Thanks to electric cars and powerful smartphones, there has been incredible pressure to make more powerful batteries that last longer between charges. The proof of this is in the R D funding pudding. A Brookings Institution report notes that both the Chinese and U. S. governments offer generous subsidies for lithium ion battery advancement. Automakers such as Daimler and BMW have established divisions marketing residential and commercial energy storage products. Employee Central Payroll A Process Introduction. One of the areas that I have gotten a lot of questions on, heard a lot of excitement on, and seen a good amount of confusion on is around Employee Central Payroll. This is certainly a hot topic with a lot of intrigue and mystery in the SAP HCM Success. Factors space. I have run across many SAP Payroll consultants who have previously resisted moving into and working with Employee Central but who are now at least getting interested in late 2. Early 2. 01. 6 as Employee Central continues to grow. Here are some of the questionscomments that I have gotten that inspired me to write this blog post to clear some misconceptions and show the process of running payroll using Employee Central Payroll and how it really is an integrated experience. What do the screens and integration look like with Employee Central Is it an SSO page in Employee Central that takes you into SAP so you can run your processes such as RPCALC or is it truly integrated Does Employee Central Payroll still use the same configuration as on premise Payroll using the IMG and a payroll schema For US Payroll is there still a connection to BSI Are the new Payroll Screens only for Employee Central customers or can existing customers live with SAP on premise Payroll also implement these screens Can you show me the screens and processFirst and foremost, we do need to understand that Employee Central is the system of record and that the data will be maintained by Employees, Managers, and Administrators in Employee Central. The data that is updated in Employee Central is then replicated over to the Employee Central Payroll system via the Dell Boomi Middleware which can all be setup to be done painlessly and seamlessly Update 242. See the comment from Robert Moeller belowUpdate June 2. As of Q22. 01. 6 1. SAP has released point to point contact which makes it so the data is updated as soon as it is saved in Employee Central and you no longer need to have the Dell Boomi Middleware This is a very exciting and huge change by SAPFor the purposes of this blog post I am going to focus on the Payroll Manager, or the person processing the Payroll and not go into the Payroll Administrator role or the people correcting data issues. Lets start by take a look at the screens of Employee Central and Employee Central Payroll to provide a little more transparency to begin answering the questions above. To begin the process of running payroll, the person responsible for running payroll Payroll Manager role would log into their Success. Factors Employee Central instance and based upon having the correct role based authorization they would have a tile for Payroll Process once they login to the home page. This tile tells you the number of current, upcoming, and completed payroll processes. It would look similar to Screenshot 1 below. Screenshot 1 Employee Central Home Page. Once you are ready to run payroll you would click the Success. Factors drop down and then select Payroll as highlighted in Screenshot 2. Screenshot 2 Employee Central drop down showing Payroll button. Once you click the Payroll button that takes you to the Payroll Control Center or the Payroll Cockpit as shown in Screenshot 3. Depending upon your role you would now see the screens where you can run payroll Payroll Manager role entitled Payroll Process and where you can resolve issues associated with a payroll process Payroll Admin role entitled Payroll ErrorsPayroll Team Errors. In my example and screenshot both roles are assigned to my user although this may not necessarily be the case. Pay attention to the seamless integration with Employee Central and notice how we can easily jump right back into any of the other implemented modules in our Success. Factors instance. To clear up a common misconception, these screens are SAPUI5 programs that were delivered with HR Renewal 2. The screenshot below is a screen for the Payroll Manager or person running the payroll that was delivered in HR Renewal 2. Feature Pack 3 hrpypccproc2. The newer Feature pack 3 screens are the screens that I will show for the purposes of this blog post although I will point out that there was an earlier version of the screen to run payroll. Starting with EA HRRXX 6. SP0. 12, the payroll control center introduces a new payroll experience for the payroll process manager. One cool piece of functionality that SAP delivered in Feature Pack 3 that I want to point out here is the following In order to correct the last payroll errors centrally, specific selected users are now able to change employees data, even if the control record has status released for payroll or check results. So if you pay attention to the steps in this post further below you will notice that there is no step to change the control record to a released for correction status to fix employee data due to the fact that we can correct the data without changing the control record as part of this change. So to address one of the questions from earlier you can use these same screens that I will discuss here for existing on premise SAP Payroll if you implement the HR Renewal 2. Payroll Control Center from ESS via the HR Renewal Landing page or the Fiori Launchpad instead of via the seamless integration to Success. Factors as I am showing and talking about in this post. Screenshot 3 Payroll Control Center Manager screen delivered in FP3. The 5 processes shown in Screenshot 3 are defined in configuration and they are available to run for the Payroll Manager as part of the Payroll run. Each of these Processes has multiple steps which are shown in the form of a circle containing the number of steps for Payroll Data Validation Prepayroll you can see that it is a 2 step process and then on the far right you can see we are currently on Step 1 as shown in Screenshot 3. If you click into one of these processes the system will take you to the current step being processed as shown in Screenshot 4 when I click into the Payroll Data Validation Prepayroll Process. Screenshot 4 Payroll Control Center Payroll Data Validation Prepayroll detailed screen. With the RDS solutions that SAP has provided, as well as the ability to decluster your payroll results, you can create your own policy checksvalidation and look at results from a simulation which gives a tremendous amount of flexibility to analyze, correct, and adjust data before you ever run the live payroll which we can see an example of in screenshot 4 above. You can easily compare employee statistics, retro statistics, and gross amounts between periods as is shown. This is a game changer for Payroll and a huge time saver for Payroll departments as they should be able to resolve almost all payroll issues before the date arrives to run payroll and have far less surprises. From Screenshot 4 you can click on the circle with the number of steps 22 in the process to see what the two steps consist of as shown in Screenshot 5. It is here where we can repeat a previous step as necessary. In this case the first step is to create the results and the second step is to take a look at the monitoring policies that we were looking at as shown in Screenshot 4.